Sunrise Biking Challenge

Sunrise Biking Challenge

For the month of March, the MR Marine Group team has been tasked with the “Sunrise Biking Challenge” initiative. 

The success of our “Walking for Charity” initiative sparked the birth of the new challenge to raise money for charity: the challenge is to start each day with a 30 minute bike ride.

Due to the lockdown situation still ongoing, we are spending more time indoors and sitting down in front of our screens for long hours. We are concerned about the impact this can have on everybody’s mental and physical health. So, we are encouraging our entire team to exercise and get some fresh air outside on a regular basis. 

In a spirit of remote teamwork, to help us all relax, smile, and rejuvenate after a lot of activity, every first Thursday of the month of March, the MR Marine Group team will get together and enjoy a social activity – our first one being a virtual ‘Pub quiz’. We will lift our spirits and get further energy to tackle the physical challenges of the next weeks. 

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